something like an engagement session in Vienna … AND Praque !!! / Bonnie&Jay

Geht’s dir auch manchmal so dass du ewig brauchst, um deine Urlaubsfotos zu bearbeiten um irgendwas damit zu machen? – Vor jetzt fast schon zwei Jahren war ich mit Lou ein paar Tage in Vendedig. Und ich hab bis jetzt gebraucht wenigstens eine Diashow damit zu erstellen. LOL. Hier sind ein paar Fotos. Ich versuch halt immer auch so ein bisschen ein Gefühl für die Orte zu vermitteln, die ich ablichte. So gut das halt geht wenn man nur ein paar Tage Zeit hat und dazwischen immer auf der Suche nach Pizza ist. Ich hoffe dass mir das hier gelungen ist.

OK, so last summer I got a kind of interesting request of two awesome people were getting married soon and wanted to do an engagement session in Vienna … and Praque! So I packed my bags (and Julia) and got into the car to make some nice pics of nice people.


Shooting in Vienna was easy because their is a lot to see there, we took some pictures in the city as well as in Schönbrunn (yes, I know where you can still find a working Paternoster 😉 – later we got back to Naschmarkt and even got to Café Sperl (which is a little famous because of that scene in that movie you know) – and yes, because I think it is fun I always try to sneak in a couple of shots during transportation.


Because it was a couple of years ago I was in Praque I got there a little early to check out some locations. And I was stunned again by this beautiful city. Like Vienna there are nice Locations around every corner. And if you have a couple in front of your lens that is so full of love to each other like Bonnie and Jay it makes work really easy.

So a big thanks to those two legends for booking me for their couple session!

Here are SOME of my favourite pictures. Tell me what you think about them in the comments.

Love, Konstantin.

Planning your wedding? Sneak in an engagement session!

So if you are planning your wedding and are thinking about doing an engagement session to show your love – either in vienna or in any other place you can imagine – call me. Or text me. Or mail me. We will find a way to do that … hmm … maybe i should write an article about why it is important to have an engagement session. What do YOU think? 😉


If you want to see my non-wedding-work, I got it on my german website:


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